Tony Martin, an Action Sports, Event, and nature photographer

Hello from Tony Martin, I've lived in Southern Oklahoma my whole life, I raced and did freestyle / tricks on bmx bikes growing up from about '77 until about 1996 and have always had a dream having a BMX track here in Southern Oklahoma. I'm 10 Years clear from Stage 4 Throat Cancer and have been Racing and Riding again after I hit my 5 year clear mark. This is an attempt at generating the interest in BMX Racing in the area.
A work in Progress with more to come.


Fact 1

Raised my whole life in Love County Oklahoma, Traveled extensively for Concerts, BMX Racing and just about anything.


Fact 2

Major Love for Concert Photography.


Fact 3

BMX life, Major Goal of building a BMX Track for Southern Oklahoma.


Fact 4

I love southern Oklahoma history most of all, Documenting and showcasing local attractions.